You should have thought of this before
When shopping for clothing as a gift the debate over whether or not it will fit the giftee should not take place as the cashier is ringing up you're items. The couple in front of me made this mistake at Old Navy today and I took a moment to think the worse of them, as should you.
Seriously. after all, they give you a gift receipt. They can return it later, now get a move on granny!!
10:19 AM
On a similar note, Amy and I were going to Famous Barr the other day to pick up her mom's christmas present and as we were driving down the appropriate lane/aisle of the parking lot, this guy cut across right in front of me. I was able to miss him quite safely, but I did honk my horn. He got all frazzled and raised his hand to do I don't know what, but when he got it up there he was shaking. A small part of me empathizes with him ... but a bigger part is satisfied that at least one jerk who screwed with me on the road was visibly affected by his jerkitude.
12:19 PM
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