Thursday, March 09, 2006

Crazy Job happenings and goings on

Ok so lets go through my week.

Tuesday: Our computer system at work went down, so we went home early (we being the two cycle counters), I came home. I like the job well enough but still it doesn't hurt to keep looking so I saw an ad for a hiring coordinator at Trugreen (my old job), It had many of the HR duties I did at RGIS so I sent my resume in, they called me back in two hours and I had already found out that I wasn't working at shor-line the next day because of system problems so I went in Wednesday morning and interviewed.

Wednesday: I found out I was being laid off temporarily from shor-line since the system troubles were a bit more permanent so they decided to upgrade to a new inventory system, and wouldn't need us for a few weeks, wankers. So I was a little bit happier to go into Trugreen, we talked for about five minutes and he told me while he couldn't blow off the other five interviews I pretty much had the job and to call him back around six, and I did. Pat, my new boss asked me if I wanted to start Thursday and I said sure, in the background I heard him say "I'm gonna fire her", now these are salespeople so they are loud and boisterous and I just thought he was pissed at someone but he turns out to be talking about my predecessor

Thursday: I go in and most people don't even realize that I'm not there to assist Brooke, so much as I'm replacing her, It was kinda fun. I am now Mike Jones, Branch Employment Coordinator, it sounds more impressive than it seems to be.


Blogger Jim said...

You are going to rock-off their socks-off, Yakov. Congrats on the new job.

7:03 AM

Blogger Robyn said...

CONGRATS! We must have coffee to celebrate.

12:49 AM


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