Monday, June 12, 2006

It's worse

so now thanks to the professional way my employer has handled the recent mumps cases I may have been exposed, I'll find out tommorow. This will mean that I can be sent home for a couple weeks without pay since I am still working with a staffing agency and there is no support mechanism in place for people in my predicament. I've been assured that my testing will be free but fat lot of good it does me should I seek treatment or want to pay for things like food and rent. I don't even have to catch it to get sent home, just be officially exposed. for those of you I've seen recently, you are in no danger since my exposure happened late last week and It's not until around 10 days that you can become contagious, and I won't be seeing you until this thing is cleared up. Except you donald who encouraged me to stay here even when I had a potentially had another opportunity, theres a big sloppy kiss with tongue in this for you, and a linkin' Log up the ass


Blogger chrissy. said...

awwww, ain't that sweet.

8:34 PM

Blogger Jim said...

... mumps, shmumps; did you get fitted for your tux?

you only want to kill me because you love me.

1:14 AM

Blogger Margaret said...

That. sucks. Hope you find out very soon that you weren't officially exposed.

10:20 AM

Blogger Robyn said...

it cant be that bad- i had a kid in my class have the mumps- and i didnt need to get tested

12:54 PM

Blogger Robyn said...

no wait- that was whooping cough- sorry wrong disease

6:21 PM

Blogger Mike said...

so far so good but I was super pissed, the spokesman for the hospital was down in infection control so imagine theres going to be a news story soon enough

9:41 PM


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