Lego Star Wars: a sick, sad addiction
It star wars with legos, you come out thinking zelda (a little more emphasis put on puzzles than combat) . It covers episodes one through three, with a sense of humor, best of all jar jar doesn't speak, you can also unlock all the characters and play with them later, which you have to if you interested at all in finding the pieces to the models that go to all the levels. There's a new one that covers episode four through six but I don't think it's worth the forty bucks they are charging for it. It has eaten my weekend.
I knew a small child once who loved that game. He was 5. It consumed his weekend too.
4:37 PM
I started on Paper Mario yesterday. It's going to suck me in..,
10:27 AM
I am currently absorbed by Mario 64 on the DS.
2:59 PM
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