Pretty go bang

I went to Powell Gardens with my sister tonight for their 4th of july festivities. It was nice except for the usual parking fiasco associated with any fireworks display. There was an orchestra playing before hand and the usual pretty flowers. If I go again next year I need to remember the bug spray.
I'm glad you went to see fireworks. I was unmotivated this year.
10:08 AM
yeah- i wanted to go to that, but i felt that sitting on the couch was a better plan
11:11 AM
I know I didn't say this before, but ... you have a sister? Okay, I knew that. I just find it spooky because I've never seen her.
1:07 PM
Oooh, ohh! I've seen Mike's sister! In fact I may have seen both of them, but not at the same time. It's really weird to see the one, because she LOOKS like Mike's sister, you know?
10:14 AM
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