Wednesday, November 29, 2006

An Ambush

I hate meetings especially when they amount to a one sided ambush rather than any sort of forum for discussion. one such ambush occurred today. Sitting in the meeting today where the benefits of applying online were sounded, we didn't discussed the downside. We talked about how much easier the online application was, we didn't discuss the fact that probably half the people that apply have to call in because the digital signature is confusing. We talked about the about how most people are internet savvy enough to get through our application, we didn't didn't talk about the fact that the aforementioned well rounded, reasonable people aren't the sort that apply/work at KUmed. we talked about how easy we've made for people to sign up for an email address, we didn't talk about the 30 other things I have to do other than help someone signup email. we talked about certain recruiters getting more paper applications than others, we failed to mention the fact that those recruiters don't put their positions online, and we advertise positions in the paper that don't exist yet. all-in-all the point of the meeting was if we shout and close our eyes everything will work out fine. at thats why my department is a giant cluster


Blogger Margaret said...

Well... at least you don't have to de-ice your car to get to work. Not that that makes the people you work with any less morons, but hey.

9:53 AM


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