Monday, January 22, 2007

surprisingly good

I rented Lady in the Water this weekend. I was surprised it wasn't typical M. Night Shayamalan suspense, if you have to compare it to something it's most like Signs. It's more of a fairy tale. and beside all you people who think Sin City is such a good movie would be happy if someone spit on a piece of film and shown a flashlight through it, so this should exceed expectations for you.


Blogger Jim said...

hey, i liked sin city.

i just watched lady in the water, too and I was happy about several things:

1. Rather than had this amazing oh my god surprise in the end ... he pretty much lays out everything in the first few minutes. The big surprise of this movie was that there was no surprise.

2. The Guardian and the Interpreter. These were two supporting characters from other shows that I watch that I thoroughly enjoyed seeing here.

3. Giamatti is fantastic.

4. No one questioned the whole mermaid thing. They might have hesitated, but then they dove right in and just sucked the whole thing up.

11:38 AM


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