Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What about R.O.U.S.'s

Thats rats of unusual size for those of you who don't remember The Princess Bride. I'm expecting some, well symbolically. I've skipped ahead a bit. I'm buying a new computer soon and It's been a huge headache. First I find a decent computer then find that it might be horribly underpowered for a graphics card. Next, I find that power supply specifications are secrets guarded closely by computer gnomes or some such nonsense. But after three days, two headaches, and one pot of coffee later I see light at the end of the tunnel. I do however remain confident that tomorrow a giant rat will attack and rape my dreams of a good computer, again symbolically. A special thanks to Donald who has helped me out through this.


Blogger Heather K said...

All hail Donald, excellent computer helper always!!

11:16 PM

Blogger Margaret said...

Guys, he just tried to get me to bow down to him. Thanks a lot ya suck-ups. :rolleyes:

9:46 AM


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