Sunday, January 29, 2006

NPR supports road rage

Well not really, but today on my way home from Odessa I heard a song which I have no idea as to the title but in this song the musician describes various typical situation and kicks off each chorus with "pulled out my pistol and blew them away". It may not seem funny yet but the comic genius was in the rhyme that I don't really remember now. There was also a song about potatoes set to the Mexican hat dance. NPR doles out its doses of crazy on Sundays apparently.

Way better than Balloons

Ok, it's pretty plus theres learning too! this is todays picture from NASA's Picture of the day website, very awesome pictures plus news and facts about the pictures they have. Not to mention the archives go back a few years, I spent hours there the first time i discovered it.

Monday, January 16, 2006

but why balloons?

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Sand Condor
Your Superpower is Psychic
Your Weakness is Balloons
Your Weapon is Your Wind Crossbow
Your Mode of Transportation is Cloud

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Bored now

This has been the least productive sunday of my life, I was so bored that i couldn't even be bothered to play Morrow Wind my latest outdated videogame obsession. I made a salad, thats the only thing of note, and not really noteworthy since i screwed up the dressing a bit.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

When people are bored.........

They come up with songs and put them into Video Form

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Thought of the day

People can adapt to almost anything except other people......and lava. There are some people I just can't stand. I went to another job interview yesterday, it went ok, but the guy who interviewed me was just the happiest idiot I've ever met in my life. We're not talking "glass is half full" were talking loosing touch with reality happy, I can't imagine working for this man. Theres more of a rant here but I'm too Bored to explore it futher.