Thursday, March 09, 2006

Crazy Job happenings and goings on

Ok so lets go through my week.

Tuesday: Our computer system at work went down, so we went home early (we being the two cycle counters), I came home. I like the job well enough but still it doesn't hurt to keep looking so I saw an ad for a hiring coordinator at Trugreen (my old job), It had many of the HR duties I did at RGIS so I sent my resume in, they called me back in two hours and I had already found out that I wasn't working at shor-line the next day because of system problems so I went in Wednesday morning and interviewed.

Wednesday: I found out I was being laid off temporarily from shor-line since the system troubles were a bit more permanent so they decided to upgrade to a new inventory system, and wouldn't need us for a few weeks, wankers. So I was a little bit happier to go into Trugreen, we talked for about five minutes and he told me while he couldn't blow off the other five interviews I pretty much had the job and to call him back around six, and I did. Pat, my new boss asked me if I wanted to start Thursday and I said sure, in the background I heard him say "I'm gonna fire her", now these are salespeople so they are loud and boisterous and I just thought he was pissed at someone but he turns out to be talking about my predecessor

Thursday: I go in and most people don't even realize that I'm not there to assist Brooke, so much as I'm replacing her, It was kinda fun. I am now Mike Jones, Branch Employment Coordinator, it sounds more impressive than it seems to be.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Night at westport

So I saw my first Russian Film the other night, since it was my first i can't really make a comment about russian films, it was good though, sort of like underworld only with a story and a plot but less special effects. The effect were fairly good, just not the point of the movie which is more than I can say for most american action films. what was most interesting to me was the subtitles, they actually did alot with them, maybe russian films depend on the european market. there were shifts in color some were blurry, at a couple points something would move on the screen (like an arm or a door) to reveal the next line, I've never seen this before. Although the subtitles did not make or break the movie they were different.

Also i got to see chrissy, sam, nick and kelly which is always fun but rare.